Speaker Pelosi Sends Letter to President Trump on the State of the Union Address

Speaker Pelosi
1 min readJan 23, 2019


Throughout the Trump Shutdown, now 33 days in, Democrats have repeatedly voted to re-open government so that federal workers can pay their bills, government services will be available to the American people, and the nation’s economy will not be damaged further.

In a letter sent to President Trump today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote:

“I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.”

“Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.”

Read the letter here:



Speaker Pelosi

Speaker of the House, focused on strengthening America’s middle class and creating jobs; mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.